Our Story

I Was Born To Bake

In 2018, a team of archeologists in Jordan found tiny black specks around an ancient fireplace.

When they were tested at University College London, they turned out to be 14,000 year-old breadcrumbs. Experts were astonished – they’d just discovered the origins of bread.

A pretty big deal, given bread is interwoven with the story of humanity. It has cultural, religious and social meaning. It’s fascinating.


But the bread aisle in your supermarket isn’t. All those loaves, piled on top of each other, wrapped in coloured plastic and covered in words about how wonderful they are.

It’s not about the bread at all. It’s a packaging game.

Before I started 3800, my career in branding was all about the outer packaging. Sometimes literally, sometimes not. But projects always focussed on external factors.

I got tired of making companies look good on the outside, only to find that things inside were stale.


I craved more –
I wanted to work on the bread.

And good bread requires the right ingredients, the right craft, and the right process.

Our name comes from the recognition that getting things right takes time. Small steps compound to create big impact, and so 1% better every day becomes 3800% each year.

We’re a collection of experts, with broad skills and experiences, to help leaders and founders navigate change, solve problems, and build organisations that everyone is proud to be part of.

Our approach is foundational, and starts on the inside, because we have a desire to create things that stand the test of time.

Maybe 14,000 years is a stretch, but it’s a good aim.

Dave Greasley, Founder.