Georgina Williams
Behavioural Change


It's human problems that interest me. I've seen (and lived through) a lot of them. Through my grounding in Social Work I became adept at looking holistically at individual and systemic problems. I now use these skills in education, co-production and behavioural change, to empower and affect people's lives. 

I'm excited to bring these people-focussed perspectives to the business world, because humans are often the most overlooked part of the puzzle. 


"Everyday is a school day when Georgina is around. I learn so much from her – about the world, about people, and about myself. She’s got an infectious energy that everyone looks to, but she’s equally as influential when she pours herself into the task at hand with diligence. Georgina is one of those rare people who knows herself so well, and makes you feel completely comfortable in her company."
– Sam Lightfinch

"She'll hate me for saying it, but what G doesn't know about people, isn't worth knowing. Her abilty to understand and connect with people on a deep, emotional level is a beautiful thing to witness. 

Her passion for people, and positive change is infectious. G keeps us grounded, reminding us to step back and consider the humans behind the business. 

The greatest thing about Georgina is that she has no idea just how great she is. A sharp mind and a kind heart are a powerful combination." – Dave Greasley

"Georgina has a gift for connecting with people, bringing contagious optimism and pragmatic, human tools for living better. Looking through a lens that is often neglected in the business world, she brings valuable insight into psychological solutions for opportunities to improve inside and out of 3800." – Solomon Cook

"Georgina brings incredible insight into human interaction and empathy to the team. It’s such a key component to success that ensures we always consider every person involved in a project, from both a team and client perspective." – Lee Ashton

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Similarly to people, organisations have their own inner and outer layers. There's what we show to the world through our appearance and interactions, and what we cherish or invest in for ourselves.  In other …

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